Black Spot Program

The Black Spot Program is an infrastructure investment program that:

  • aims to improve road safety and significantly reduce road crashes and trauma
  • directly targets improvements on high-risk roads or roads with proven crash history.

The program is very effective in:

  • reducing the risk of crashes
  • saving the community many times the cost of implemented and relatively minor road improvements.

The Australian Government funds the Infrastructure Investment Black Spot Program. Funding is subject to annual approval by the Minister for Infrastructure, Transport and Regional Development.

Everyone is encouraged to submit a nomination to the Department for Infrastructure and Transport. This includes local road authorities, community groups, associations, road user groups, industry and individuals.

2025–2026 call for nominations

The 2025–2026 Black Spot Program aims to significantly reduce serious road casualties on South Australian roads.

Key dates are set out in the following.

Key dates
26 July 2024 Approval of the 2024–2025 Black Spot Program by the Australian Government Minister for Infrastructure and Regional Development
16 August 2024 Call for 2025–2026 nominations open
18 November 2024 Call for 2025–2026 nominations close
December 2024 to February 2025 Assessment and prioritisation of nominations
March 2025 South Australian Consultative Black Spot Panel recommends 2025–2026 Black Spot Program to the Australian Government Minister for Infrastructure and Regional Development
30 June 2025 Last day to submit claims for the 2025–2026 projects

Nominating a black spot

Everyone is encouraged to submit a nomination. You can nominate either:

  • directly using the nomination form and guidelines on this page
  • through the relevant road authority:
    • For arterial roads and highways, email the Department for Infrastructure and Transport at
    • For local roads, contact the relevant council. Find the appropriate council with the Location SA Viewer.

What to consider before nominating

  • Identify the road safety issue you believe is associated with the site.
  • Contact and consult with the local road authority.
  • Determine the casualty crash rate at the site within the last 5 years (2019–2023).

Black Spot Program projects do not include red light or speed cameras, vegetation control or maintenance concerns.

Determining the casualty crash rate

A casualty crash is defined as either a fatal or injury crash. It excludes crashes with only vehicle or property damage.

In urban areas over the last 5 years, check if there's been either:

  • 3 or more casualty crashes at an intersection or length less than 3 km
  • 0.2 crashes per km per year for a length longer than 3 km.

In rural areas over the last 5 years, check if there's been either:

  • 2 or more casualty crashes at an intersection or length less than 3 km
  • 0.13 crashes per km per year for a length longer than 3 km.

How to apply for funding

Step 1. Read criteria and guidelines
Step 2. Review additional information for nominations

The crash data is confidential. The data belongs to SA Police and is for analysing crashes only. Crash data is often preliminary and may change as investigations are undertaken.

You must not distribute the data, username or password.

For the username and password, email

Step 3. Complete and submit nomination forms

You must use these templates, forms and supporting information to prepare nominations.

Incomplete or late nominations will not be considered.

Email completed nomination forms with supporting information to

Nomination form

Supporting information

For reactive projects, you must provide the Benefit Cost Ratio (BCR) based on crash history with your nomination.

You can use one of these methods to calculate the BCR to determine the highest benefit:

  • Bureau of Infrastructure, Transport and Regional Economics (BITRE) method
  • Austroads crash type method.

You must use the latest BCR spreadsheet. It adopts BITRE's crash cost methods and Austroads' updated crash type costs methods. This makes the BCR method consistent with those used in other road safety programs.

Please enable the macros before using these spreadsheets.

Step 4. Assessment and approval

The South Australian Consultative Black Spot Panel assesses and endorses recommended nominations for the program. The Australian Government will then consider and approve these nominations.

Panel members include:

  • Representative for the South Australian Minister for Road Safety
  • Representatives from the Local Government Association
  • Royal Automobile Association of South Australia
  • Bicycle SA
  • South Australian Freight Council
  • South Australian Road Transport Association
  • Traffic Management Association of Australia
  • Australian Department of Infrastructure, Transport, Regional Development and Communications
  • South Australian Department for Infrastructure and Transport.

Nominations for level crossing-related projects are reviewed separately from road nominations. This is due to the specific risks at level crossings.

Program administration

The Department for Infrastructure and Transport will assess and recommend projects for the Australian Government to approve.

Councils receiving Black Spot Program funding must enter into a funding deed with the Department.

Administration forms

Once projects are approved and underway, please use the following administration forms.

Step 5. Provide additional information for physically completed projects

Once the project is physically completed, you must provide the following before funds can be released.

For projects that are fully funded by the Australian Government, refer to their Black Spot Program signage guidelines (PDF, 1073 KB).

Provide other reporting to the Department for Infrastructure and Transport's contact according to the funding deed or other requirements. This includes the physical and financial status of the project.

Approved programs for South Australia

For Road Safety Audits and Restricted Access Vehicle Routes Assessments, find the latest list of prequalified auditors and assessors on the Department's website.


For information about the Black Spot Program and project nominations, contact:

Department for Infrastructure and Transport
GPO Box 1533, Adelaide SA 5001