Safe Roads

Safety and the consequences of crashes is a key consideration in the way we manage, build and maintain our transport infrastructure.

Investing in infrastructure is a key component towards making our roads safer for all users. The State Government prioritises road safety with significant investment, along with investment by the Australian Government.

Metropolitan roads

  • carry higher volumes of traffic
  • generally have lower speed limits than regional areas
  • can be complex driving environments with many different road users.

Regional roads have higher speed limits. This usually results in more severe crash outcomes. Historically, more lives lost are recorded on our regional roads and almost half of our serious injuries are in regional areas.

Safe system treatments seek to create a forgiving road system. They are used in locations where there is a high risk of a crash, not just locations where crashes have already occurred.

The most common crash types on regional roads are run-off-road and head-on crashes. We will continue to prioritise works to address these. The treatments selected will depend on:

  • the role and function of the road
  • the volume and type of traffic
  • both the crash risk and history on the road

This ensures the road network is continuously improvements over time.