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- Safety Strategy
Road Safety Strategy to 2031
- Foreword
- Summary
- The Strategy
- Vision and ten-year targets
- Principles for decision-making and investment
- The Safe System Approach
- Social Model Approach to Road Safety
- What we know about road safety in South Australia
- Road Safety Strategic Focus Areas
- Effective implementation
- Measuring success
- Glossary
- References
- Action Plan 2023–2025
- Action Plan 2025–2027
Road Safety Strategic Focus Areas
Road user behaviour
Supporting and enforcing safer road user behaviour
Aboriginal road safety
Reducing the over-representation of Aboriginal people in road crashes
Increasing the use and purchase of safer vehicles in South Australia
Older road users
Greater focus on road users aged 70+
Safer design, construction and maintenance of road infrastructure
Walking, cycling and public transport
Improving safety for people who walk and cycle and increasing public transport patronage
Regional and remote areas
Reducing the number of lives lost and serious injuries on regional and remote roads
Young drivers and riders with a focus on those living in regional and remote areas
Reducing their over-representation in road crashes
Develop a culture of road safety in South Australian workplaces