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- Safety Strategy
Road Safety Strategy to 2031
- Foreword
- Summary
- The Strategy
- Vision and ten-year targets
- Principles for decision-making and investment
- The Safe System Approach
- Social Model Approach to Road Safety
- What we know about road safety in South Australia
- Road Safety Strategic Focus Areas
- Effective implementation
- Measuring success
- Glossary
- References
- Action Plan 2023–2025
- Action Plan 2025–2027
Measuring success
This Strategy will be supported by a robust monitoring and evaluation framework. This framework will identify how the actions are leading to change, have the agility and ability to review our actions and to thereby enable adjustments to our approach. Continual improvement will be critical to our success.
Core principles informing the monitoring and evaluation framework include:
- Intermediate measures to identify performance gaps and indicating system transformation;
- Indicators that reveal whether actions are effective;
- Ongoing development of new indicators over the life of the strategy;
- Indicators subject to periodic review and refinement where necessary;
- Transparency and monitoring of implementation; and
- Annual reporting.
Road Safety Performance Indicators for the Strategy will include:
- Outcome indicators including reductions in lives lost and serious injuries in regional and remote areas and metropolitan Adelaide and the CBD;
- Safety performance indicators, including the risk rating of high volume, high speed roads in our network; and
- The outputs delivered to improve the safety of our roads and road user.
The monitoring and evaluation framework aligned with this Strategy and associated Action Plans is separate to the Strategy. This will allow for refinement and periodic review of the indicators and for new indicators to be developed, and progress reports to be published.