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- Safety Strategy
Road Safety Strategy to 2031
- Foreword
- Summary
- The Strategy
- Vision and ten-year targets
- Principles for decision-making and investment
- The Safe System Approach
- Social Model Approach to Road Safety
- What we know about road safety in South Australia
- Road Safety Strategic Focus Areas
- Effective implementation
- Measuring success
- Glossary
- References
- Action Plan 2023–2025
- Action Plan 2025–2027
Acknowledgement of Country and Foreword
Acknowledgement of Country
The South Australian Government acknowledges and respects Aboriginal people as the State’s first people and nations, and recognises Aboriginal people as traditional owners and occupants of South Australian land and waters.
Ministers' Foreword

Minister Tarzia
Minister for Police, Emergency Services and Correctional Services, with responsibility for Road Safety
Thank you to all South Australians and stakeholders who provided feedback to inform South Australia’s Road Safety Strategy to 2031. As the Minister responsible for road safety in our state, the consequences of road trauma—and what we can do to reduce it—constantly weighs on my mind.
Lives lost and serious injuries devastate families, friends and communities. Our dedicated first responders and support services personnel feel the impacts too.
Losing lives on South Australian roads is unacceptable. Our Strategy targets significant road trauma reductions by 2031 and we have our sights set firmly on zero lives lost by 2050. This can be achieved—but we must all Think! Road Safety. It’s up to every motorist to embrace their personal responsibility in the car or on a motorcycle.
The Strategy contains nine strategic focus areas, which were guided by extensive consultation and evidence. We know that a focus is needed on vulnerable road users, such as pedestrians and cyclists, as well as those who are overrepresented in road trauma, including people living in regional and remote South Australia, young and old road users, and Aboriginal people.
Focus areas also include safer roads for all motorists and the use of safer vehicles.
Please take the time to read this new Road Safety Strategy for South Australia and join our commitment to its ambitious vision of zero lives lost on our roads by 2050.

Minister Wingard
Minister for Infrastructure and Transport
South Australia’s road network plays a vital role in everyone’s lives, delivering economic and social prosperity through the ability to access family, friends and recreational activities. We use our roads to get to and from work or school, get away on holidays, to move freight and deliver goods and services.
South Australia’s Road Safety Strategy to 2031 sets ambitious targets and a path to realise them. Reducing the number of lives lost by 50 per cent and the number of serious injuries on our roads by 30 per cent by 2031 can be achieved when we work together and focus our efforts on where we can make a significant difference.
The Strategy will guide decision-making on transport related investments with a focus on the safe movement of people throughout the state and a particular focus on regional road safety.
Improved road safety is vital to us all, as individuals and as a community. Implementation of the Strategy will help to create a safer road environment that supports road users to make the right decisions, minimises harm if mistakes are made and enables use of new safer vehicle technologies on our road network.