South Australia Police film stunt crash for new road safety commercial

Friday, 19 June 2020

South Australia Police recently filmed a car crash under controlled circumstances in the Adelaide suburb of Croydon Park.

The production is part of the new road safety commercial that aims to highlight the dangers and repercussions of speeding, which is one of the fatal five offences.

With cameras set to roll in the morning, the collision between two standard vehicles was filmed using professional stunt drivers. Additional crews were on set for COVID-19 health and safety management.

This upcoming new commercial is just one of many recent road safety campaigns from South Australia Police. These campaigns are designed to capture the attention and influence the community to help create a safe road environment for all South Australians.

In February the “Smarten up, buckle up” campaign showed how ridiculous it is to not wear a seatbelt, while the “Get caught long after the high is gone” commercials in January illustrated the dangers of drug driving. Both campaigns put money back into the South Australian economy as they were filmed in the state with local actors and production teams.

Superintendent Bob Gray hopes this upcoming commercial will show all road users that driving is a privilege and not a right.

“Today we’ll see a powerful crash filmed under strict supervision by police and stunt professionals, which will no doubt be confronting to watch,” he said on the day of filming.

“As police, this crash is what we’re dealing with almost every day, except we don’t get to yell “cut” and watch the drivers walk away in one piece.

“If this type of impact is what can happen under controlled circumstances, then imagine what can happen on our roads when those safety precautions are taken away.

“When you watch this television commercial in a few weeks, we want you to remember that this could happen to you if you do not slow down.

“You play an integral part in preventing serious injuries and fatalities on our roads, all motorists do.”

Minister for Police Corey Wingard said this campaign is confronting but unfortunately it’s also necessary as the simple message to think road safety just doesn’t seem to be sinking in.

“This is powerful and frightening but thankfully it’s not real. The same can’t be said for the devastating crashes SAPOL has had to respond to this year in which 49 people have lost their lives.

“We desperately need South Australians to take responsibility on our roads and recognise that today’s stunt crash could become a reality for them if they continue to flout the law.”

South Australians can expect to see the commercial on their screens in the near future.

More road safety commercials and campaigns from South Australia Police can be viewed here.